The "Marmaris Ultra" trail run, which will be held on 15-16-17 November, aims to offer all runners both an unforgettable race and a wonderful summer closure by combining the magnificent blue and green texture and technical structure of the "Pearl of the World, Marmaris" and its surroundings.

In the event, which will host local and foreign athletes of all levels with 76K, 48K, 30K, 16K and 5K stages, runners will dive into the greenery starting from the Marmaris coast and continuing from Mezargedigi and Yeşil Belde; They will pass over Altın Sivri, Dam, Seyir Tepe, Radar Junction, Balan Mountain and meet the blue again and finish the race on the Marmaris coast.


15.11.2024 FRIDAY





Ataturk Statue

12:00 - 20:00


Ataturk Statue

12:00 - 22:00


Ataturk Statue

12:00 - 22:00


16.11.2024 SATURDAY





Ataturk Statue

05:00 - 05:40


Ataturk Statue



Ataturk Statue

06:10 - 06:40


Ataturk Statue

06:10 - 06:40


Ataturk Statue



Ataturk Statue

07:10 - 07:40


Ataturk Statue



Ataturk Statue

08:30 - 12:00


Ataturk Statue

07:00 - 21:00


Ataturk Statue

15:00 - 19:00

* MMT30K Race finish time 14:30 (7.5 Hours)* MAT48K Race finish time 18:30 (12.5 Hours)* MLT76K Race finish time 22:00 (16 Hours)

17.11.2024 SUNDAY





Ataturk Statue

07:30 - 08:30


Ataturk Statue



Ataturk Statue

09:00 – 13:00


Ataturk Statue



CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION: Marmaris Ultra Trail run is open to everyone over the age of 18. 76K, 48K and 30K participants must have a health certificate valid on November 16, 2024 (a health report not older than 6 months is accepted) indicating that it does not prevent them from running, or an athlete license approved by a sports federation (Athletics, Triathlon, Mountaineering, Orienteering or Cycling). The relevant documents will be submitted to the organization before the race.

RACE REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Only registered runners can participate in the race. Registrations will be made through the website. The deadline for registration is 05 November 2024 at 17:00. The deadline for course changes is 05 November 2024 at 17:00. Every registration is personal. No transfer of registration or the running of another participant will be permitted.


In order to participate in the race, the registration fee must be paid by Visa or MasterCard credit card at the time of registration. Participants who have paid the registration fee will be taken into account in the creation of the final registration list. The organization has the right to reduce the registration fee under certain conditions or to adjust the pre-announced prices due to increases in fees, taxes, etc.

Participants who have registered with a refundable registration fee will receive a 100% refund of the registration fee if their fees are canceled until October 16, 2024.

The expiry date of the defined discount codes is October 15, 2024 23:59.

The registration fee includes the items listed below:

– Bib number

– Time measurement

– Running t-shirt


– Food and beverage support at intermediate points along the course

– Pre-run pasta party (Opening Dinner)

- Meal after a run

– Finisher's medal for participants who finish the race within the specified times

– Finishing vest for participants who successfully completed the MUT76K and MAT48K courses


Participants are required to receive their running packages containing bib numbers and other materials on the dates and times specified below.

Running Kits are only delivered to people who have registered for the run. The race kits of the runners who have completed their registration but will not be able to participate in the race are delivered to the people to whom they will be notified by e-mail to their address, without a bib number and without a chip.






16.11.2024 – 06:00

Ataturk Statue


16.11.2024 – 06:00

Ataturk Statue


16.11.2024 – 07:00

Ataturk Statue


16.11.2024 – 08:00

Ataturk Statue


16.11.2024 – 09:00

Ataturk Statue

Participants must be at the starting point at least 30 minutes before the start of the race.


  • MARMARIS ULTRA TRAIL 76K: The race, which will start from the Atatürk statue on the coast of Marmaris, will continue over Mezargedı, Yeşil Belde, Altınsivri, Dam, Seyir Tepe, Radar Junction, Balan Mountain and end at the Atatürk statue.
  • MARMARIS ADVANCED TRAIL 48K: The race, which will start from the Atatürk statue on the Marmaris coast, will continue through Mezargedı, Yeşil Belde, Karadağ, Mezargemış and end at the Atatürk statue.
  • MARMARIS MEDIUM TRAIL 30K: The race, which will start from the Atatürk statue on the Marmaris coast, will continue through the Mezargemesi and end at the Atatürk statue.
  • MARMARIS SHORT TRAIL 16K: The race, which will start from the Atatürk statue on the Marmaris coast, will continue on Armutalan Hill and end at the Atatürk statue.
  • MARMARIS ROOKIE TRAIL 5K: The race, which will start from the Atatürk statue on the Marmaris coast, will continue along the coast and end at the Atatürk statue.

BIB NUMBER: Bib numbers are numbered from the highest score to the lowest score according to the ITRA score of the runners. Bib numbers are given to each competitor individually if the necessary conditions are met. What needs to be done; to show your ID or passport and mandatory materials. The race number must be worn on the chest or abdomen and must be permanent and fully visible throughout the race. It should always be placed over all clothing and cannot be placed on the leg or back in any way. The race number is for passage through the required places. Athletes without a race number will be disqualified.

DROP BAG: Each competitor will be given a 30 lt bag for the spare items they want to use in the race. Bags must be delivered before the race at the place and time determined by the organization. The bags will be returned to the athletes after the race.

For the MUT76K course, your drop bags must be delivered to the fairground drop bag point by 22:00 on Friday, November 15 at the latest, to be sent to the Dam CP.

CP POINTS & TREATS: The organization ensures that solid and liquid food is available throughout the race. Depending on the distance and need, liquid, hot and solid foods will differ, and these differences will definitely be kept at a level that meets the needs of the athlete. During the race, only athletes with a bib number can benefit from the treats.

TRAIL MARKINGS: Along the way, the entire track will be visibly marked. There will definitely be directions at critical points. After a certain part of the track, reflective marking will be made in places that can be passed in the dark. If you don't see a sign even for a short time, be sure to go back and check that you are on the right track.

MAXIMUM FINISHING TIMES AND TIME BARRIERSThe maximum finishing times for the tracks;
MUT76K: 16 hours – Drop Bag intermediate time limit (cut-off) The dam is 13 hours. MAT48K: 12.5 hours – Intermediate time limit (cut-off) is 9.5 hours. MMT30K : 7.5 hoursTime barriers are very important for passing through checkpoints. Each checkpoint has a pass time. No matter what time the athlete arrives, he must leave before the time of passage of that checkpoint expires. Otherwise, it will be disqualified.

FINISHER BUFFET: A buffet will serve between 11:00 and 23:00 on November 16, 2024 in the athlete area for the participants who have successfully completed the race or left the race halfway. The buffet will consist of homemade soup, pasta, hot dishes, salads, hot and cold drinks. Only athletes with a bib number can benefit from the finisher buffet.

SAFETY AND MEDICAL ASSISTANCE: The organization will mobilize all its means for the safety and health of the competitors. In this regard, there are rules that the runners as well as the organization must do and follow for their own health and the health of other competitors. Each runner must help any person in danger and alert the security services. Remember, any hazards associated with the environment and racing may require you to wait longer than expected to help. Therefore, your safety depends on the quality of the product you put in your bag.
All personnel, paramedics, search and rescue, and official guides, as well as any person designated by the organization, may:
Remove from the race any competitor who is deemed unable to continue the race. It can ask any competitor to use their mandatory equipment. It can direct patients to a better treatment structure according to their needs. Having contacted a doctor or search and rescue personnel, the runner submits himself to the authority of the authorized persons and accepts the decisions made.
Minor treatments will be carried out at the discretion of the staff and subject to availability.

QUITTING THE RACE: Except in the case of injury, the runner must not go outside the checkpoint. In the event of a decision to abandon between two checkpoints, the runner must go to the nearest checkpoint. In adverse weather conditions that will cause the race to stop partially or completely, the organization will ensure that the runners are taken off the course as quickly as possible.

PENALTIES AND DİSKALİFİYE1. Shortening of the race course / Penalty is determined depending on the decision of the organization.
2. Absence of essential material (water bowl, raincoat, head lamp, emergency blanket, telephone) / disqualification3. Other mandatory materials / 1 hour penalty4. Refusal to check mandatory equipment / disqualification5. Polluting / disqualifying nature for any reason6. Threatening or disturbing other competitors or the organization during the race, engaging in harmful behavior / disqualification7. Not helping the other competitor in distress / disqualification8. Receiving out-of-competition help / 1 hour penalty9. Cheating (e.g. using a transport vehicle) / disqualification10. The penalty is determined depending on the bib number and lack of chips / the decision of the organization.11. The penalty is determined depending on the decision of the lack of passage through a checkpoint / organization.12. Refusal to comply with directions or directives from race directors, race officials, doctors or search and rescue personnel / disqualification13. Departure from the checkpoint after the time barrier / disqualification14. Participants who run with a baton are required to carry their poles with them throughout the run, they cannot leave their poles at any point. Runners with batons will be given an additional 1 hour time penalty if they leave their poles before finishing the run.

EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS: If circumstances require it, the organization reserves the right to cancel the race at any time, to terminate the race in progress, to change the route, start times, time barriers and any other changes for the good realization of the organization.

RESPECT FOR NATURE: Respect for nature, animals, other people and ourselves....Mutual aid and solidarity, every act made with love beautifies all the moments and organizations we live. It is our greatest desire to share all the beauties to be experienced with runners, volunteers, spectators, local people and all other living things. From this point of view, we must take care of our strong as well as sensitive and fragile nature together while competing or working. Organizing and competing while protecting nature should come before all emotions and behaviors. While the number of activities held in nature is increasing day by day, the number of athletes participating in such organizations is increasing at the same rate. Thanks to the organizations held in our country, many foreign athletes from different countries witness the natural beauties of Turkey and continue to come to our country again and again. For this reason, it is our duty to protect nature, no matter which country or region the races are in.

RESPECT FOR PEOPLE: Races bring together people from various cultures, personalities and different motivations. It is very important to respect others, to understand and accept that each person may be different, not to hinder them, not to disturb them and to be able to empathize. At the same time, it should not be forgotten that the region where the race is held has its own culture and traditions, and it should be respected. In fact, by registering, every runner makes a commitment to respect the local population and every person in the area.

SELF-RESPECT: Ultra marathons involve some risks as they involve long-term physical and mental struggle. For this reason, every athlete should only take small risks (if necessary) or know exactly when to stop in order to protect their own health. Ultra distances are distances that require detailed preparation and that strong bodies that have experienced this preparation can do, or rather, are suitable to do. For this reason, we recommend athletes to train correctly, rest and eat well, choose races suitable for their experience, and not use any foreign substances. When the right conditions that you have created for yourself and the right conditions that we have created for you are combined, we can achieve success in every race together with health.

RESPONSIBILITIES AND EQUALITY: Our races are open to everyone. Our rules apply to everyone and apply to everyone in the same way. All athletes have the same conditions, responsibilities and rights. It is our responsibility to guarantee the principle of equality, to carry out the necessary checks and to offer all participants the best possible race conditions.

RESULTS AND CATEGORIZATION: Partial results during the race and final results after the run will be published on the website. The results will be evaluated on the following categories:

– Male / Female General Classification – Male / Female 40-– Male / Female 40+– Male / Female 50+– Male / Female 60+

PRIZES: Marmaris Ultra Trail does not give any financial rewards. A finisher's medal will be awarded to each participant who finishes the race within the time limit and within the rules.

The award ceremony will be held on 17.11.2024 at 11:00 at the Atatürk Statue.

USE OF VISUAL MATERIALS: Registered participants are deemed to have allowed the use of their photos and videos taken during the event for promotional purposes by the organization and sponsors.

DISCLAIMER: Participants who have voluntarily registered for Marmaris Ultra Trail are deemed to have accepted the running rules and any changes that can be made to these rules. The organization cannot be held responsible for material and moral damages and accidents performed by the participants or incurred by the participants.